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Hi! Will this game release on Steam soon?


Nice, thanks! :)

(1 edit)

if we bought it here do we have to buy it again? edit:on steam i mean

should esc close the app? that seems slightly abrupt to me

I agree , going back to the connection menu would be great


The game crashes when you `check` yourself.

Anyway that game is so fun my fingers hurt.

Where is the password generated? I made a character and didn't get any sort of password. Now I can't log in :( Just to check, I made a new character and still didn't get a password.


if you can’t find it, you can always try to retrieve it from local savefiles. Go to C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/Chatventure

There should be a file named <username>.ini

Open it in notepad and look for a line that says ww=

it’ll tell you the password behind the “=“

Thank you!


where might this file be on a Mac? I looked around in the package contents of the chatventures_client and didn't find anything like <username>.ini seems like you'd want to see this on the character creation screen or an in game menu

i tihnk it should be at Library/Application Support/com.sokpop.chatventures

also wondering how to access this on a Mac! I've gone to Show Package Contents --> Contents but I'm not sure where to go beyond that

i think it should be at Library/Application Support/com.sokpop.chatventures

Hi! I bought the game last night, i'm really enjoying it! 
How can I talk to my friend which is also playing and online ?

make sure you’re in the same area and you should be able to interact with each other!

(1 edit) (+2)

I rech 100 

Playing it get me a lot of fun

I still not finnished stopping the dam becouse my earlier comments but its great

If you let us rech over 100 lvl i will come back to chatventures with pleasure

Great job <3


Another suggestion:

If a shadoman's suck attack misses or you dodge it, it shouldn't heal them, because that's kinda just the obvious thing...

If you think that they will be too easy to kill after that change (I don't think so, but whatever...) then you could instead increase their health a bit.


I have a suggestion about balancing:

I dont know if it is just me, but farming 15 fairy dust for the fairy staff takes so long compared to farming the material for the gleamblade, which is a better weapon than fairy staff. Maybe you could slightly lower the cost or increase the drop rate of fairy dust?

Is there someone who bought the fairy staff yet?

For comparison: you get 1 shadestone from shadownman in about 10-15 minutes, and 1 fairy dust in about 1-2 hours

Farming shadestones will also give you lot of XP and other useful drops

(1 edit) (+1)

considering all things, twice the drop rate of fairy dust and reducing the cost to about 5 fairy dust might actually be reasonable

considering that fairy staff is a temporary weapon until you get e.g. voidstaff

the main reason why it takes so long to get fairy dust is that most of the times only gremlins will appear, and if you are solo, waiting for 1 respawn every 30s takes really long...

while i totally agree in general, you can actually use summon if you have the command

another thing that needs fixing: if your command list is full enough so that it uses scrolling (arrows at top and bottom) it only shows the first weapon skill.

My friend didnt know that he could use stab and magic bolt with his gleamblade until I asked him to test it. :)

I cant buy wizard hat or wizard robe from joel, although I have the neccessary coins and material. I think it is bugged. Could you please check it?

yes it's a bug, it will be fixed in the next patch!

thank you!!

(2 edits)

Im sorry but i have to remind about my earlier comment.

I had problem with one quest and i want to know are you fix it or not 

Im standing right now and cannot do anything beside getting experience

Thank you in advance <3

oh thanks for reminding me! almost put out a patch without fixing that.

(1 edit)

I appreciate that you are helping everyone <3

It is the most relaxing game i played for a very long time 

Thank you very very much for help <3

Hey, we're a whole community of people making online, persistent text only worlds. Come by at some point :)


ughhh... Online: 1.

Am I doing something wrong? It prints “Unable to find game!!:” on start

copy and paste the file into a different folder and it should work again

Oh, that worked. Thank you very much

Is the server down? It gives me an error, I just bought the game too..

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: sh_overgang

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_obj_intro_Draw_77
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_intro_Draw_77 (line -1)

It seems different then the other errors on the page, I'm afraid I broke it.

Sorry- I'm impatient :(

Can like, literally ANYONE respond to this so i know if the server's down or if i broke the game i bought 4 hours ago and didnt get to play

(1 edit)

Yes you are very impatient xD

You probably can't brake this game 

If you played before and everything was fine i think it is server problem and you have to wait day only <3

In my opinion it will be fix on monday

I got it working!

I'd never played before, I needed a driver.

(1 edit)

Breaking down the error GML is I think Game Maker Language so the problem is inside the program. Shaders are used to custom render something not using the defualt game engine renderer. So no my guess is the servers are not down but instead the programmer has a bug in their code.

The game is super nice! But it crashed a few times. Screen completely unresponsive, had to open task manager and shut it down. Sometimes, after forcing the game to close, it got stuck when I re-opened it as well. One time it crashed everything, and had to force my computer to shut down.

(4 edits)

There is one problem

Me and my brother are playing chatventures and doing quest simultaneously.

When we entered the big corporation hq there was 3 enemies to beat in quest 

We entered there together and i slain one of them, he kill 2 and now we can't finish the quest becouse enemies are not spawning anymore


Can you please check this out? <3

Ps. Sorry for my english 


oh i saw your e-mail!!

I think you just need to talk to that person again and they should spawn? Lmk if that doesnt work and ill check it out.

(2 edits)

Unfortunately talking with that person again and again makes absolutely no difference :(

He's just saying

"Who let you in?"

I got the Fatal Error thing 😅

it's up again!

the game's awesome. i love it and it's cheep. I so exited that i get to play the first version and i wished more people played 

Maybe you how to kill shadowmans in "dark dark depths" location? xD

Just bought this. The game played the intro, faded to a black screen and resetted itself (it did this on a loop 4-5 times). Then displayed the same error message other users were getting.

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object oClient:

Unable to find any instance for object index '100012'
at gml_Object_oClient_Step_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_oClient_Step_0 (line -1)

(1 edit)

i accidentally uploaded a client build instead of a server build when i was fixing it a minute ago! so sorry haha. it's up now! (you should be able to login)

game won't start, from reading this thread it seems like it's a server issue  -- would it be possible to have users check the server status somehow (message on the site or twitter account maybe?)

error is here btw.  (also i love the game so far!!)

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object oClient:

Unable to find any instance for object index '100012'
at gml_Object_oClient_Step_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_oClient_Step_0 (line -1)

thanks and sorry about that! im currently abroad for PAX East but will try to fix it when i come back. i put the server back online for now and tried something thatll hopefully prevent it from crashing while im away, but let me know if you get this message again! thanks again!

thanks so much, it's working for me now, have a great time at PAX!!!!


game doesnt save for me anymore. 

logged on and lost about 10 levels i had gotten the day before. oddly enough, it still shows the skills that i lost in the commands, but says 'you dont have that skill' when i try to use them.

tried twice to play for a few hours and log off, but i just get sent back to the same save point when i log back in.

the server crashed yesterday because of an issue with the save files and i had to revert to a backup of the day before sadly...

but is the saving still not working? When i tested it yesterday after the patch it did work for me.

it seems to be working now.

oh.. I wondered why my save was lost.. ;_; 

anyone else who sees an error when launching that mentions 3D3Xcompile on windows 10, you need to get this: 
I'm on a fairly new computer and didn't realize I was missing legacy directx versions until this game crashed on startup.

The game won't even start for me, it just gives me the crashes noted below even after I allowed it through my firewall. 

I think server is currently down


put it back on sorry!

using 'check' on yourself crashes the game


Any plans for a linux port?


Can't seem to get very far, every time I log in, I get killed by other players in smalltown :(

I want to check out this game though, seems like a cool idea. There just needs to be some way to deal with annoying players?

(5 edits) (+1)

Unforuntately this is due to the quest design. There's a quest towards the end of the game which can only be completed by killing 20 other players. The newbie zone is the easiest way to do this.

The players are otherwise quite helpful, so this quest seems to be detrimental to the playstyle and encouraging of introducing new players.

My best advice would be to try to negotiate with the players attacking you, or just log in at another time :/ (Hopefully when another player is around to protect you). The good news is that you don't lose much when you die and that the players will stop attacking once they reach 20, but I doubt that's much of a comfort when it means you have to sit out of the game each time you die.

Hopefully Sokpop adjust this quest eventually.


oof. I respect the creative choice in that quest design, but the execution left my first experience with the game to have a bad taste. I do hope sokpop reconsiders this design, it doesn’t really feel like it matches the otherwise chill nature of the game.


i'll look into changing the quest design so the start area will become less volatile! sorry for getting killed so much!

Deleted 5 years ago

much appreciated!! Looking forward to playing again soon

yep they just need to make a safe noob area

(1 edit) (+2)

An enjoyable game! I had fun playing with other people. There are players who are quite experienced and they take the time to explain what to do and where you can go, and that's a great feeling!

If there were too many people in a room, the spam of LOOK and other commands being printed to the console might get a bit annoying. Also maybe some error capturing to tell us when the server/internet is down to prevent the crash loop would be really useful.

I've got a lot of experience in MUDs and really had a blast doing the grinding and teamwork. Sometimes it's good to just have a little mindless grind at the weekend. Definitely worth the price tag. Thanks Sokpop!

(On a side note I'm really curious about the stack you used and what was involved in building the back end for this. I'd love to know if you could expand on that detail.)

EDIT: The sokpop crew just threw a party in the main town and spawned a dragon called Godfree. A bunch of people died in dragon fire but the dragon dropped diamonds!

(1 edit)

It keep crashing for some reason...

It's giving me the error:

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object oClient:

Unable to find any instance for object index '100012'
at gml_Object_oClient_Step_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_oClient_Step_0 (line -1)


yeah the server had a weird issue, it's up again!

YAY!! Thank you!

(1 edit)

It's a super fun game, even if simon accidentally yeeted me

(shoutout to carbon helping me farm fairies!)


A lovely MUD-like with the potential for lovely emergent cooperative gameplay. Shout out to Carbon for our ice cream party.


yo! MUD!


Maybe some sort of team or party list (maybe a friends list) would be nice to gather for the next boss :D

What does "Dodge" even do? I haven't really seen any effects from doing it.

(3 edits) (-2)

i have a question? will you guys be able to make a platform fighting game,whenever you want to?


Great idea & sent you some $$$ to support development. MUDs were what we played in the 80s before the technology was invented to send larger graphics files MMOs use over the net... so fluid, so easy to code since, well, only ascii back then, right? Fond memories of huge combats/rng events from those days, all in text. Keep up the good work and will definitely be following future updates ;p

It crashed when I did "check pirates" in smalltown

thanks ill fix it asap!

Deleted 3 years ago

oh how did that happen?

Deleted 3 years ago

thanks i fixed it!

the macos version isn't tagged as macos so it doesn't work in the itch app

and when I download it I get this 


if you copy and paste the file into a different folder it’ll work!

When I launch the game, it starts in fullscreen, shows the sokpop logo, restarts in a window, shows the sokpop logo again, restarts in fullscreen and shows the logo one more time, then crases and shows this error:

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object oClient:

Unable to find any instance for object index '100012'
at gml_Object_oClient_Step_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_oClient_Step_0 (line -1)


i think you mightve logged in at the same time when there were some server problems. Please restart the client and try again. If the problem persist it might be a problem with your firewall!


It works now!

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