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Reminded me of Pingo Park lol

You move much to slow and there are many little things that make it so that you get stuck. If you patch this it will be perfect!

You can run by holding the right-trigger!

OK thanks!

What about on keyboard?

On keyboard you can run with shift!


I appreciate that the game controller is fully supported automatically without doing anything.. not even very big commercial games are able to do this.

(I my case: Mac with Xbox controller)

So wonderful, it really makes me fell like a child in a playground :))..

I am missing some kind of “clue” system.. I am stuck and I don’t know how to get more achievements :/

(1 edit) (+2)

loved this one a lot, it was cool just vibin and playing around with stuff :)
got stuck in this spot, though, launched myself of the arrow block and landed here


You can leave and rejoin to respawn. There is no penalty.


Thanks for making such delightful games! Really fun!

That's brilliant :0) love it !


Hi! I did you make this in Game Maker or Unity? Looks great!

Deleted 1 year ago