Such a wonderful game, saw a youtuber playing it and had to play myself! Have not encountered bugs so far, Windows 10. Really love the battle system and quests.
Hey, game looks fantastic, but my issue is that it doesn't start. I downloaded macOS version, had the error with quarantine which I fixed thanks to link, but game still doesn't start. I bought both from steam and here, but neither works(both end up with error). Could the problem be with my OS? I have a MacOS Monterey 12.0.1. I don't know what else should I do :D
I really liked this game. That being said, the glitches can be annoying, but I haven't experienced anything that couldn't be fixed with a quick save and quit. Had to get wrecked by the lick on day 20 at least once before I figured out how everything worked. I really like the magic but air cutter is absolutely the strongest skill in the game. You can beat the lich with a bandana, the axe from the woodcutter, and air cutter.
The game seems so fun and my partner and I enjoyed starting to play and figure out the game, but we really want to be able to actually progress through it. I downloaded the game on Steam and in the discussion there, I see that several people are having the same bugs as me: namely being unable to pickup loot drops after a battle (major reason I started reading comments because it makes the game almost impossible to advance through), as well as characters becoming occasionally stuck near the mountain or sea boundaries (I can adapt to that, although annoying). I don't see anyone mentioning the loot drop bug here, but it seems like these comments are actually being read by the developers. At the very very beginning of the game, it seems like one or two pieces of loot can be gathered in what must be the usual way. After that, we see the messages of "Press A to pick up..." for a split second and then disappear. The white orbs (which other comments make it seem like are the drops?) are completely non-actionable and never go away. I have noticed that if, prior to the battle I had talked to a NPC, the "Press A to talk" message is the message that briefly appears after the battle, even if the character is no longer in range of the NPC. Perhaps there is some issue with the message data? Although it seems in other comments that the orbs themselves drift to unreachable locations (so a timing or positioning issue with the drops scattering or expiration mechanic?). I don't know if you're still releasing updates/revisions. If so, would love to play! If you can explain the issue and there are instructions a playable workaround by avoiding/accommodating the issue, I'd take that too. Thanks!
hi, well there was a known bug where items wouldnt get removed probably when picked up while it was mid-air (usually the first 2 seconds) which resulted in you picking up the item but not removing the item visually. (It would partially be removed though so that’s why you’d still see the item but wouldn’t get a pick up message anymore)
I fixed this for Steam but maybe not for the version..
It does sound a lot like this bug in which case you should actually have the item in your inventory. But it also sounds like that’s not the case.
Can you confirm that? Also, are you on windows or mac?
Thanks for responding! I am on a Mac, I purchased/downloaded through Steam. I did a little more testing. The first item drop on a new game appears to work normal, gets added to inventory and the orb disappears, subsequent items do not get reliably picked up and orbs do not disappear. If I mash the action button right at the end of the battle there is a chance I will get an item added to inventory, but majority of time it does not. Might be a misperception, but it seems to get less likely the more battles I fight. Items definitely do not got added or picked up by default, so collecting things for quests like fish eyes is basically impossible.
So at this point, the only "glitch" I rely on is the "save and load" glitch which makes the Lich set his new home wherever he is standing after he makes a tentacle when you quit and load back in. This places him over the river so that I can get him whenever I am ready. It turns out that Wind Cutter has an insane attack rate, so all I have to do is train slash to level 7 and I have all the damage I need. I do the two wolf quests as soon as possible and those get you all the way to level 20 (because the Alpha wolf gives a huge, perhaps oversized reward). Then all I have to do is fight the Lich with Windcutter, a bandana and the random drop that comes out of the Alpha Wolf (unless it's the helmet drop. The bandana is always better IMO). I actually think Wind Cutter is so strong that you can almost do it earlier than this, but your health and mana are too low until you get the huge level bump from the Alpha Wolf quest. Fun speed run.
I will say, I just did a run where I think I completed every quest in the game, killed the ghost king, bought all the dope items from the mountain smith and then killed the Lich early with a blizzard build... This game really is a great game considering how compact it is. You guys really crammed a lot of stuff in here. A lot of it is trial and error and normally that wouldn't be for me, but learning to route through the whole thing and getting better each time really was a lot of fun. Good job guys.
I believe this crash is happening when I case Blizzard (or Inferno as well probably) when all the enemies are dead. It does a randomization based on the number of enemies but if there are technically no enemies alive, you end up dividing by zero.
Hey, I found another glitch: *I got caught on a collision box between the corner of the repaired bridge (on the north side of the water, on the right of the bridge). My character got stuck and I believe it perma-locked that save. I can't manage to get out, at least on Keyboard. It's possible with 360 movement from a joystick I could find the right angle to escape but not with 8 way keyboard movement lol. It was such a good run too T_T.
So I love this game now that I got into it. I've played it for like 8 hours now. It's really addictive. I did want to give you a quick report of some bugs I've found which have not ruined the game necessarily, but have made the process annoying: *Goblins who seem to be able to summon allies can still summon a 4th ally if you're alone. *If you spam the "pick up" button at the end of combat, you will pick up any items that are dropped before they scatter away. This would be a neat and interesting technique that players get to learn if it wasn't for the fact that sometimes this doesn't delete the white glowing orb that was meant to represent the item. The orb just sits on the board forever or until you restart. When I'm speed running, I have to keep track of them so I don't let them distract me lol. *You can buy a Bandana from the farmer in the first town for 2g and sell it back to him for 5g. I suspect this wasn't intentional. IDK if it's even bad for the game honestly, because at this point, having that money glitch let's me test out the game in a deeper way more quickly. I love having early access to the Bandana, but I sort of have to decide each game if I'm going to do a "real" run or a "infinite money" run which feels meh. In general, sell prices seem off somehow. I noticed some people will buy stuff for more than others. It's as if each person buys goods at different prices, which I suppose is kinda cool actually. *The three mercenaries glitched after I helped them with their fight. They seemed stuck on a bounding box or something. I had to reload to make them interactable again. *OH, there's this INCREDBLY ANNOYING spot to the left of the lower exit to the mountain that I keep getting hung on. You can't see the exit door while you're in the cave and so you run into this little corner that takes forever to get out of and will screw you up if you're going for a risky cave run during the day. *After fighting the lich, I started a new game and the game started with the lich already active and I got sucked into the final fight at level 1 LOL. You have to turn the game off and turn it back on to make this bug go away. I suspect you guys left a Boolean flag on as a global variable or something. It was pretty funny :P *IDK if this is a glitch but I once had a lich that simply gave up on doing his quest. I was up to day 22 and he had only done 1 tower (I believe I even reloaded the save file at some point). When I walked near him, suddenly he "woke up", teleported all over the map, finished his quest in a minute or two (at that point, he had only lit one tower), and then the final fight started. It was really weird. I was doing a particularly good job of removing all of his tentacles that game, so IDK if that slows him down or what, but it was still very weird.
All this said, my favorite strat so far is to buy the dagger so you get it's quick stab ability, then use the Axe and eventually the L. Sword with the quick stab, wearing the bandana of course for even more speed. Because it's incredibly easy to get crits with the quick stab attacks, the Axe is practically as good as the L. Sword, and is better against plants.
Ah, I just encountered another frustration: If you die while you have an ally, the ally stays and the fight continues without you, so not only are you unable to play the game, you have to watch sadly as your doggo dies T_T. I don't know exactly how to address this, other than to maybe create an exception for solo play that allows you to respawn so that you can get back to your dog and save them, or at least set a timer so after 10 seconds or so, kill the dog and set me free. The dog can survive for like a whole minute while I'm not able to play, which is a lot of time lost in a game that's all about speed running.
Hi, I bought the game but couldn't figure out... How do you play with more players? What are the controls? Shared keyboard? Connecting a PS4 controller didnt work either
you need controllers! Playstation controllers aren’t supported by windows computers because of the rivalry between Microsoft and Sony. You can make them work with a 3rd party app though
I was able to get PS4 controllers to work with this game by running DS4Windows, which is free. Make sure to download the new version by ryochan7 here, not the original version (the original version did not work for me on Windows 10 and hasn't been updated in a long time).
DS4Windows makes Windows think you have Xbox controllers connected, not PS4 controllers.
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Nice game
Love the art! Such a great concept too.
Such a wonderful game, saw a youtuber playing it and had to play myself! Have not encountered bugs so far, Windows 10. Really love the battle system and quests.
Hey, game looks fantastic, but my issue is that it doesn't start. I downloaded macOS version, had the error with quarantine which I fixed thanks to link, but game still doesn't start. I bought both from steam and here, but neither works(both end up with error). Could the problem be with my OS? I have a MacOS Monterey 12.0.1. I don't know what else should I do :D
This Game looks really nice visualy (I only watched some of the game play in your video). Looks like something I would enjoy :D
Hey looks like a really fun game dude. Congrats!
I really liked this game. That being said, the glitches can be annoying, but I haven't experienced anything that couldn't be fixed with a quick save and quit. Had to get wrecked by the lick on day 20 at least once before I figured out how everything worked. I really like the magic but air cutter is absolutely the strongest skill in the game. You can beat the lich with a bandana, the axe from the woodcutter, and air cutter.
The game seems so fun and my partner and I enjoyed starting to play and figure out the game, but we really want to be able to actually progress through it. I downloaded the game on Steam and in the discussion there, I see that several people are having the same bugs as me: namely being unable to pickup loot drops after a battle (major reason I started reading comments because it makes the game almost impossible to advance through), as well as characters becoming occasionally stuck near the mountain or sea boundaries (I can adapt to that, although annoying). I don't see anyone mentioning the loot drop bug here, but it seems like these comments are actually being read by the developers. At the very very beginning of the game, it seems like one or two pieces of loot can be gathered in what must be the usual way. After that, we see the messages of "Press A to pick up..." for a split second and then disappear. The white orbs (which other comments make it seem like are the drops?) are completely non-actionable and never go away. I have noticed that if, prior to the battle I had talked to a NPC, the "Press A to talk" message is the message that briefly appears after the battle, even if the character is no longer in range of the NPC. Perhaps there is some issue with the message data? Although it seems in other comments that the orbs themselves drift to unreachable locations (so a timing or positioning issue with the drops scattering or expiration mechanic?). I don't know if you're still releasing updates/revisions. If so, would love to play! If you can explain the issue and there are instructions a playable workaround by avoiding/accommodating the issue, I'd take that too. Thanks!
hi, well there was a known bug where items wouldnt get removed probably when picked up while it was mid-air (usually the first 2 seconds) which resulted in you picking up the item but not removing the item visually. (It would partially be removed though so that’s why you’d still see the item but wouldn’t get a pick up message anymore)
I fixed this for Steam but maybe not for the version..
It does sound a lot like this bug in which case you should actually have the item in your inventory. But it also sounds like that’s not the case.
Can you confirm that? Also, are you on windows or mac?
Thanks for responding! I am on a Mac, I purchased/downloaded through Steam. I did a little more testing. The first item drop on a new game appears to work normal, gets added to inventory and the orb disappears, subsequent items do not get reliably picked up and orbs do not disappear. If I mash the action button right at the end of the battle there is a chance I will get an item added to inventory, but majority of time it does not. Might be a misperception, but it seems to get less likely the more battles I fight. Items definitely do not got added or picked up by default, so collecting things for quests like fish eyes is basically impossible.
ah ok thanks i will look into it!
I'm having the same issue here!
We are using a windows notebook, and we downloaded the game on steam
cool route!
Is this really only for MacOS? Is the Windows file?
yes that’s the windows file
I forgot the windows tag!
I will say, I just did a run where I think I completed every quest in the game, killed the ghost king, bought all the dope items from the mountain smith and then killed the Lich early with a blizzard build... This game really is a great game considering how compact it is. You guys really crammed a lot of stuff in here. A lot of it is trial and error and normally that wouldn't be for me, but learning to route through the whole thing and getting better each time really was a lot of fun. Good job guys.
Also wherever the Lich is when you save and reload becomes his home :>. He'll just return there every night after he causes mischief.
I believe this crash is happening when I case Blizzard (or Inferno as well probably) when all the enemies are dead. It does a randomization based on the number of enemies but if there are technically no enemies alive, you end up dividing by zero.
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object oWorld:
DoMod :: Divide by zero
at gml_Script_member_draw_late
gml_Script_member_draw_late (line -1)
thanks for the report! i will fix it.
Had a crash:
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object oWorld:
Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [4] out of range [4] - -9.moment(100162,4)
at gml_Script_member_draw_late
gml_Script_member_draw_late (line -1)
Hey, I found another glitch:
*I got caught on a collision box between the corner of the repaired bridge (on the north side of the water, on the right of the bridge). My character got stuck and I believe it perma-locked that save. I can't manage to get out, at least on Keyboard. It's possible with 360 movement from a joystick I could find the right angle to escape but not with 8 way keyboard movement lol. It was such a good run too T_T.
Ok nice.
So I love this game now that I got into it. I've played it for like 8 hours now. It's really addictive. I did want to give you a quick report of some bugs I've found which have not ruined the game necessarily, but have made the process annoying:
*Goblins who seem to be able to summon allies can still summon a 4th ally if you're alone.
*If you spam the "pick up" button at the end of combat, you will pick up any items that are dropped before they scatter away. This would be a neat and interesting technique that players get to learn if it wasn't for the fact that sometimes this doesn't delete the white glowing orb that was meant to represent the item. The orb just sits on the board forever or until you restart. When I'm speed running, I have to keep track of them so I don't let them distract me lol.
*You can buy a Bandana from the farmer in the first town for 2g and sell it back to him for 5g. I suspect this wasn't intentional. IDK if it's even bad for the game honestly, because at this point, having that money glitch let's me test out the game in a deeper way more quickly. I love having early access to the Bandana, but I sort of have to decide each game if I'm going to do a "real" run or a "infinite money" run which feels meh. In general, sell prices seem off somehow. I noticed some people will buy stuff for more than others. It's as if each person buys goods at different prices, which I suppose is kinda cool actually.
*The three mercenaries glitched after I helped them with their fight. They seemed stuck on a bounding box or something. I had to reload to make them interactable again.
*OH, there's this INCREDBLY ANNOYING spot to the left of the lower exit to the mountain that I keep getting hung on. You can't see the exit door while you're in the cave and so you run into this little corner that takes forever to get out of and will screw you up if you're going for a risky cave run during the day.
*After fighting the lich, I started a new game and the game started with the lich already active and I got sucked into the final fight at level 1 LOL. You have to turn the game off and turn it back on to make this bug go away. I suspect you guys left a Boolean flag on as a global variable or something. It was pretty funny :P
*IDK if this is a glitch but I once had a lich that simply gave up on doing his quest. I was up to day 22 and he had only done 1 tower (I believe I even reloaded the save file at some point). When I walked near him, suddenly he "woke up", teleported all over the map, finished his quest in a minute or two (at that point, he had only lit one tower), and then the final fight started. It was really weird. I was doing a particularly good job of removing all of his tentacles that game, so IDK if that slows him down or what, but it was still very weird.
All this said, my favorite strat so far is to buy the dagger so you get it's quick stab ability, then use the Axe and eventually the L. Sword with the quick stab, wearing the bandana of course for even more speed. Because it's incredibly easy to get crits with the quick stab attacks, the Axe is practically as good as the L. Sword, and is better against plants.
Ah, I just encountered another frustration: If you die while you have an ally, the ally stays and the fight continues without you, so not only are you unable to play the game, you have to watch sadly as your doggo dies T_T. I don't know exactly how to address this, other than to maybe create an exception for solo play that allows you to respawn so that you can get back to your dog and save them, or at least set a timer so after 10 seconds or so, kill the dog and set me free. The dog can survive for like a whole minute while I'm not able to play, which is a lot of time lost in a game that's all about speed running.
The mage life is a hard life.
wow thanks for the feedback! glad to hear you enjoy the game :) i will take a look at the issues you mentioned
Hi, I bought the game but couldn't figure out... How do you play with more players? What are the controls? Shared keyboard?
Connecting a PS4 controller didnt work either
you need controllers! Playstation controllers aren’t supported by windows computers because of the rivalry between Microsoft and Sony. You can make them work with a 3rd party app though
What controllers do you need to play with others? Is that the only way to play with others?
im not sure which controllers all work, but the easiest way is xbox controllers for windows computers and playstation controllers for apple computers.
i can add some functionality for a second player on keyboard perhaps, but i’m afraid it’ll be hard to play the game that way!
another way to play together is through Steam Remote Play Together btw
I was able to get PS4 controllers to work with this game by running DS4Windows, which is free. Make sure to download the new version by ryochan7 here, not the original version (the original version did not work for me on Windows 10 and hasn't been updated in a long time).
DS4Windows makes Windows think you have Xbox controllers connected, not PS4 controllers.
Buying it now! Im a fellow game dev, got some free games.
Bought the game (am on a Mac), but when I unzipped it, it told me it was damaged and couldn't be opened? :(
i put a guide in the download instructions here on how to solve it
This happens because OSX puts the game into quarantine. Use this guide to lift the quarantine and play the game.
Ah cheers! works just fine now. Really good little game by the way! :D
thanks :)
Niiiice!!!! could you share some other screenshots? or a quick playthrough to understand more about the game?
I watched this vid on YT:
Thank you! :)
This looks amazing! Is there a goal to turn it into a mobile app?
no, sorry!
Is there a gameplay trailer? I can't judge a game only by screenshots, a gif and text.
there will be a trailer for steam when the steam version comes out in a week or 2.
in the meantime there is this introduction:
Gorgeous game, great aesthetic for this time of year.
super pretty :o